What The Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck

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Embodying the Magic of Elemental Alchemy

Everyone has a driving element, one that is both vice and virtue depending on its state of balance. Calling forth the elements and learning to unify them within you is your greatest asset—and challenge—as a human being.

Every minute of every day, we are managing a volatile internal ecosystem: elements, mind, ego, spirit, will, heart, body—the list is endless. These items on their own can feel overwhelming and we have yet to add living to the list. As a result, we end up stuck and paralyzed by inaction, where what should be open terrain becomes an impassable range of mountains. But what those mountains know and can teach us will unlock all that we are meant to be, if we only have the courage to listen and, more importantly, to seek their counsel.

What The Mountains Know takes you beyond the world’s deafening noise, to a quiet space—a path that will lead you back to your soul. It is here that you can unify the fragmented elemental particles of the stardust from which you are made, from which we are all made. You were created to play with fire, to make waves, to whip up the wind, to seed the earth, and…to move mountains.

This book is for you if:
    –+You’re a seeker
    –+You’re a fan of Eckhart Tolle, Brené Brown, Marianne Williamson.
    –+You feel like you can’t reach your full potential and you want to know why.
    –+You’re ready to awaken.
    –+You know you are magical but can’t seem to get your rocket into ‘lift off’.
    –+You’re ready and willing to do deep healing work.
    –+You’re ready and willing to make significant changes.  

What The Mountains Know can be likened to titles such as: A New Earth, The Untethered Soul, Four Agreements and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

What Readers Are Saying


“Bravo!!!! This book is phenomenal and life-changing! It has a similar impact to Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now and A New Earth. A preview of a new kind of vision for the future of our beloved planet and what an individual commitment to a better self can do to bring about a better future for everyone. The opening salvo about “planning vs. plans” made the entire price of the book worthwhile! The message was so clear and uplifting I wanted to gallop through it, but it is so profound that I quickly realized it was designed to work on my subconscious self, so I limited myself to a chapter or two each night before sleep in order for the message to sink in.”


“This is an eloquent, stunning guide for the alchemical process of ascension. Evans brings together the elements of who you are on a cohesive path to wholeness and expansion. As a prolific reader of spiritual and metaphysical books, I have never read anything close to this. The book vibrates in your hands. The self-assessment visualizations are hauntingly powerful and effective in helping you move mountains. Start the climb now and you will see your life more clearly. I found the views breathtaking.”


“I found the book easy to read, thought provoking and timely. I would encourage anyone who is searching for inner truth and living a conscious life to dive in and savor the messages and directions written with intention and purpose. Any map that we can use to guide us on the journey is valuable and this book is just that.”

Lamplighter XIII
SAVARRE Music: EP, ‘Blood’

Creator | Author | Musician